I Want
No I Lied I Need IT!
Omega2: $5 Linux Computer with Wi-Fi, Made for IoT

Worlds smallest Linux server, with Wi-Fi built-in. Building for IoT doesnt get easier than this! | Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. Make a contribution today!
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Intel® Compute Card – The Latest in Integrated Compute

The Intel® Compute Card is a modular computer that enables integrated compute utilizing Intel Architecture and standard compute technologies.
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Khadas VIM2 Basic TV Box 2 x 2 MIMO WiFi Gigabit LAN 16GB-$74.99 Online Shopping| GearBest.com

Just US$74.99 + free shipping, buy Khadas VIM2 Basic TV Box 2 x 2 MIMO WiFi Gigabit LAN online shopping at GearBest.com.
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Make a 1000w equiv. LED flashlight - aka DIY Sun-Blaster!
Here's how to make a phenomenally bright 1000w eqiv. LED flashlight! Here's the LED we'll be using: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff...
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Mechanical LEGO Keyboard
A custom LEGO mechanical keyboard. The frame is made out of LEGO pieces and the keys are official LEGO tiles mounted onto the switches using 3D printed Cherr...
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EVE V Tablet - Crowdsourced Surface Competitor
On paper the Eve V Tablet is better than the Surface Pro in almost every way, but does this hold up in practice? Try Tunnelbear for free at tunnelbear.com/LT...
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r/Damnthatsinteresting - New type of display seen in Hong Kong

r/Damnthatsinteresting: For things that are amazing, interesting, and incredible!
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Beginners Guide

A GUIDE TO FPV & FPV Freestyle and DRONE RACING Getting started If you want to learn how to get started in FPV and Drone Racing, you're in the right place. Getting started with FPV and Drone Racing can be intimidating, but we've designed this page to teach you the basic things you need to know. What Is FPV?
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Farting waffle iron
Like, Comment, and Subscribe! Facebook: facebook.com/totivideo Instagram: @realcomedysouth Twitter: @comedysouth Web: www.comedysouth.com Inquiries: wawsha@g...
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Thor - Open Source, 3D printable robotic arm by AngelLM

Important Note: I suggest you to go to Thor GitHub Repository in order to download the latest design! If you are interested in this project, please consider joining our mail list. Thor is an Open Source and printable robotic arm with six degrees of freedom, designed using FreeCAD. Its configuration (yaw­-roll­-roll­-yaw­-roll­-yaw) is the same one that is used on most manipulator robots that currently exist in the market. In its upright position, Thor is about 625mm and it ca
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26QX CC | Rinker Boats: Adventurous Runabouts & Express Cruisers

The performance-packed 26QX Cuddy Cabin is ready to follow your lead for a full day of cruising and watersports to a comfortable night under the stars in the luxurious sleeping quarters. The deck is carefully designed. Avoid dirty footprints on upholstery with the side walk-through, relax at the helm with the dedicated arm rest, and […]
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2015 Ford F-150 Raceline Injector Motofab Leveling Kit | Custom Offsets
This 2015 Ford F-150 4WD is running Raceline Injector 18x9 -12 wheels Atturo Trail Blade Xt tires with Motofab Leveling Kit suspension.
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4 Classic Business Books Recommended by Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg
These books can save you from years of trial and error and monumental mistakes.
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