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Weasley Location Clock Project
I wanted to surprise my wife for Christmas. She is a redheaded Harry Potter fan and mom, which inspired the idea to build a Weasley Clock...
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Flash Drives for Freedom

Flash Drives for Freedom aims to fill your spare USB drives with subversive media and information, and then smuggle them into North Korea.
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Flash Drives for Freedom

Flash Drives for Freedom aims to fill your spare USB drives with subversive media and information, and then smuggle them into North Korea.
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9 Best Websites To Make $100 Per Day | Panda Making Money

Do you want to make $100 per day from your home? In this article, I'm going to show you 9 Best Websites To Make $100 Per Day.
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DIY Kids House Bed
This fun DIY kids house bed is a great weekend project that's sure to put a smile on your little ones face. This plan is for a twin size house bed, but is easily modified for a toddler, full, queen, or even a king if you wanted. It's built in sections for easy assembly and disassembly when needed.
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DIY How to Frame Your Basement A to Z
Learn a quick approved method to install walls in your basement. frame doors, in stall under beams, back framing for drywall and other tips and tricks. When ...
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DIY Basement Finishing A to Z
Planning to Finish your basement? Then you need to watch this video to learn professional techniques to finish your space.Cheers! CONSIDER SUBSCRIBING!! http...
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Weasley Location Clock Project
I wanted to surprise my wife for Christmas. She is a redheaded Harry Potter fan and mom, which inspired the idea to build a Weasley Clock...
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Apa itu Omnibus Law?
Pemerintah memastikan akan segera memajukan rancangan UU cipta lapangan kerja dan perpajakan yang masuk dalam omnibus law pada 12 Desember mendatang. Percepa...
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Things You Need to Know about Omnibus Law
Upaya pemerintah dalam perampingan aturan demi menyederhanakan ijin investasi dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat, justru dinilai kontraproduktif oleh seorang pengamat ekonomi.
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RUU Cipta Kerja.pdf
LainnyaGaleri FotoLainnyaVideo Profil Kemenko PerekonomianMoody s Rating Naikkan Peringkat SCR Indonesia dari Baa menjadi Baa Link WebsiteInformasi Lintas
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Wamenkeu meyakini pengesahan RUU Cipta Kerja bakal mendongkrak pertumbuhan investasi di dalam negeri.
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Sidang Pertama Gugatan Surpres RUU Ciptaker
Pernyataan sejumlah saksi dari pihak tergugat yakni pemerintah atas gugata RUU Cipta Kerja di PTUN.
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Fraksi PDIP mengaku membahas RUU Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja dengan cermat agar tidak ada celah untuk digugat ke Mahkamah Konstitusi.
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Demo Jakpus - Mahasiswa/Serikat Buruh
Mahasiswa membentangkan spanduk bertulisan 'Tolak Omnibus Law' dan 'DPR Melunjak Rakyat Berontak'. Massa berjalan membawa spanduk diiringi satu mobil komando.
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Demo Medan
Massa buruh dari Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (SPSI) Kota Medan menggelar demonstrasi menolak omnibus law atau RUU Cipta Kerja.
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Jokowi #1
'Sebuah tradisi sedang kita mulai yaitu dengan menerbitkan Omnibus Law,' ujar Presiden Joko Widodo.
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Drone Emprit; Sosial Media
Drone Emprit menemukan gerakan yang kontra terhadap Omnibus Law RUU Cipta Kerja lebih besar ketimbang mereka yang pro aturan tersebut.
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5 Aturan Ciptaker yang Merugikan
Ada beberapa pasal dalam omnibus law Cipta Kerja yang dianggap bakal merugikan kalangan pekerja atau buruh.
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Sidang Pertama Gugatan Surpres RUU Ciptakerja
Sidang di PTUN terkait gugatan Surpres RUU Ciptaker yang cacat prosedur
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